Графика и анимация

DemoStuff #2 - Collection of Demo Effects

Второй выпуск коллекции трехмерных демо-эффектов от Bjarke Viksoe: точечный туннель, несколько вариантов затенения (точечное, Gourad), несколько вариантов текстурирования, поэтапная разработка интерьеров в стиле Doom. Всего 15 программ.
Second bunch of great demos by Bjarke Viksoe: It's bits and scraps of demo code. Gouraud shading, texture mapping and other kinds of shading.

Draw - Sinusoidal Running Text String [320x200x256]

Демострационная заставка. Бегущая по отраженной синусоиде цветная текстовая строка.

Enhanced Graphics Toolkit 3.0 for EGA

Enhanced Graphics Toolkit is a collection of low level graphic functions for Turbo Pascal 4.0+, MS Fortan, MS Quick Basic, MS C 5.0 and MASM. Full sources and examples included.

Fancy - 16k Intro from Millenium'2001 DemoParty

6-килобайтная заставка. Эффекты: tunnel, fadeing, 3D-rotation, bitmap scaling, texturing, backfeed...
This is a 16K intro by Psycho from Millennium'2001 Demoparty. (May 5-6, Minsk, Belarus). Code: by Cooler; Music by DJ Mohax. Requirements: P2-266, GUS (needs ULTRASND env. string), 400K of DOS memory. Written in Borland Pascal 7.0

Filled Fractal Routines

Демонстрация шести вариантов фрактальных структур, из них одна - динамическая. BGI Graphics. [640x480x16]
Draws some fractals, some classics and some new ones you've maybe never seen.


Эффект пламени

Flame 2

Нечаянно полученный эффект, похожий на пламя

Flame Intro from Garbage

Демонстрация эффекта пламени и проигрывание MOD-файла на SB.
Flame Intro with MOD SB player, font loading and text scrolling.

FLI-Player v1.1 for TP 6.0

This program plays animations (sequences of pictures) made by programs like Autodesk Animator (so called .FLI-files). The program decodes the .FLI file, frame by frame, and uses the systemclock for mesuring the time-delay between each frame.

FLI/FLC Player for 320x200x256 Mode

FLI/FLC Player. This is a simple, small and efficient FLI/FLC animation player that supports only 320x200x256 VGA video mode. No verbal error reporting: error codes returned via ErrorLevel.