Скачать GREETINGS 1.0 - Simple Greetings Programm for TP5.5

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GREETINGS Version 1.0


                        By Bob Schmanski

                 Written using Turbo Pascal v5.5
           (C) 1983, 1989 Borland International, Inc.


     Greeting.Exe is a little program that I threw together that
greets the user, giving the time, date and year.  It uses the Sound
Blaster's Programs: SBTALKER.EXE, SAY.EXE, REMOVE.EXE.  These must
be in the sound blaster directory C:\SB\SBTALKER\.  I make no great
claims about what this program will do for you, it was written for
entertainment purposes only.


     I recommend putting a line in your Autoexec.Bat file that will
call on this program, although it may be run from any directory at
any time.


     This program should have arrived to you zipped under the
filename GreetV10.zip, which should contain:

GREETING.EXE -- The program itself.
GREETING.PAS -- The source code in Pascal 5.5
GREETING.DOC -- The file you are now reading.


     This program is in no way copywrited or protected, and you are
free to do with it as you wish, although I ask that you do not
distribute it under you own name and that you do not alter the
program then distribute it.
     I make no claim as for this prgrams viability for a specific
use, and I am not responsible for any damages caused by the use of
this program.
     You may make any changes you wish for you own personal use.
If you have any comments or questions, I can be reached via