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Normal encryption algorithms, such as the IDEA encryption algorithm
that is used by PGP, apply a single complex function to the
plaintext and the key in order to produce the ciphertext. Since
the algorithm is public this means that even though the data flow
in the algorithm is unknown, the operations applied to this data
flow are known. Any such encryption algorithm can by cryptanalysed
and maybe broken. For example, we can be sure that there are a lot
of smart people with a lot of expensive equipment trying to break
IDEA right now, in fact it may have been broken already. If a
commonly used encryption algorithm has already been broken by some
agency we can be sure that the same agency will do all that they
can in order to get it trusted and used by many organizations.

The GodSave encryption algorithm which is described in this paper
represents a departure from the normal approach. It does not employ
a single encryption function, but rather it employs a very large
family of different encryption functions and it chooses one of them
every time it encrypts a new block of plaintext. The choice of which
encryption function is applied depends both on the key and on the
plaintext. With traditional encryption algorithms an attacker knows
exactly what operations are applied to the plaintext and key.
With GodSave what the algorithm does is variable so the attacker
does not know what operations are applied to the plaintext and the
key, even though the algorithm itself is public. By keeping secret
not only the key but also what is done to the key and the plaintext
the GodSave approach tries to maximize the security of the encryption
algorithm, regardless of the current or future state of the art of
cryptanalysis. Even more important, the GodSave algorithm can very
easily be modified to produce non standard versions.

The principal design criteria of GodSave encryption algorithm are:

  A. What the algorithm does to the plaintext must be variable,
     depending on both the key and the plaintext. Version 3 has
     at least 2^1636 variations and when used at the level of
     security recommended it has at least 2^1836 variations,
     assuming a sufficiently large key is used. (By a "variation"
     I mean a different sequence of computer operations that is
     applied on the plaintext in order to encrypt it.)

  B. The security of the algorithm is much more important than
     its speed. Since the state of art of cryptanalysis is unknown,
     it is best to assume the worst and use overkill at all levels
     of the algorithm.

     Many of the encryption algorithms used today are based on
     developments from a time when computers were expensive and slow.
     Many of these algorithms were relatively simple and designed to
     be implemented in hardware. The design of the GodSave algorithm
     takes full advantage of the power of modern technology and the
     flexibility that a pure software implementation offers.
     For example, the GodSave algorithm uses an encryption key of
     256 bytes (2048 bits) which greatly enhances the security of
     the algorithm.

  C. Render a broad range of attacks virtually impossible even if at
     the cost of increasing the size of the ciphertext. The GodSave
     algorithm can combine the user key with a good organization-wide
     master-key in order to defend against dictionary attacks, or
     careless safeguarding of personal passwords. GodSave can also
     randomize the key and/or the plaintext before encrypting.
     When used at this level of security, GodSave will virtually
     never apply the same encryption function twice or use the same
     plaintext or key twice. The penalty you pay is an increase of
     32 bytes in the size of the ciphertext per block encrypted and
     an encryption/decryption rate of one kByte per second per MHz
     when using a Pentium processor. These are limitations which
     should be acceptable in most situations. Consult section 2.7
     for more information about the speed of GodSave.

The GodSave algorithm is implemented in Pascal and should be available
in C by the time you read this. The source code contains some 8086
assembly language routines for the definition of the 32 hash functions.
These routines can easily be translated into other assembly languages.
The GodSave interface is simple and flexible allowing the encryption
of blocks of size between 16 bytes and 1024 bytes.

Currently, GodSave does not include key distribution and user
authentication utilities that are important for the creation of a
distributed secure system. The RSA public key cryptography is well
known, but patented, and possibly insecure because it depends on an
unproved mathematical premise. Also, in many cases, e.g. closed
organizations, there are other possibilities for solving the key
distribution problem. For more ideas on this matter see section 4.