Скачать SetUser - Set a Group Privilege Status to BBS users

Gianfranco Lanzilli
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                 Documentation File for  SETUSER.EXE
                       (for Opus 1.7x or above)
  Written by Gianfranco "Frankie" Lanzilli for his Boss Alberto Enna
]\/[imac Opus BBs - +39-6-2751446 - 2:335/12@fidonet.org - Roma, Italy
           Typewritten documentation by Alberto "Alby" Enna


One of the most "annoying" things to do (at the Sysop side) is to upgrade the Level to his new Users, or to give them right access to all capabilities of your Board. With Opus, for example, is tedious a lot to give all Users the right Matrix Balance, so to permit'em to write Netmail messages, or to Upload reply mail with Offline Programs, such as Xpress or Bluewave, in the MATRIX. You must give them right CREDIT/DEBITS balance, using OMAN or OUFM. I found this job very, very tedious. The IDEA was growing up...and NOW here's the right answer: SETUSER.EXE.


The GOALS are simple:

Give to all USERS with a given Privilege, the desired Netmail balance.


          Reset the User's privilege instead ot their balance


We've included in the package the Source file, in Turbo Pascal v5.5, as for all the other little routines that we've developed in the past. This is our way-to-operate, and be sure that's the best way to develop in programming. Examine it, and let's Frankie have a feed-back, if you retain...


If you are satisfied with this program, and wish to contact us, you are very kindly welcome!! Our Netmail address is @2:335/12.0fidonet.org, and a POST CARD from your country will be very appreciated!... If you wish, please post your cards to the ]\/[imac Crew, at following addresses:

    The Author          The masher                 The MUS
Gianfranco Lanzilli    Alberto Enna              Stefano Toparini
Via San Siricio , 5    Via Dameta , 15           Via E. Rossi , 12
00199 ROMA -  ITALY    00155 ROMA - ITALY        00155 ROMA - ITALY

We'll so be able to see your town by that Post Card, and remember that our effort is arrived there... This is the *only* thing we ask for, and hope to receive many and many Post Cards from you! That's a form of Pseudo-registration, and hope you'll let's have a feed-back, so to permit us to contact all Opus Sysops in the next future, and for future projects.

Have a nice work.