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TPU2TPS - Extracts SYSTEM.TPS from TP6.0/TPW1.0 run-time library

Written by D.J. Murdoch for the public domain, July 1991, after having my curiosity piqued by Mitch Davis.



will read SYSTEM.TPU, and create SYSTEM.TPS, suitable for recompiling into a new version of SYSTEM.TPU.

What does it do?

Turbo Pascal keeps most of the run-time library in the SYSTEM unit, which is usually stored in SYSTEM.TPU within TURBO.TPL or TPW.TPL. To recompile it, you need a special "bootstrap file" called SYSTEM.TPS. This program, TPU2TPS, extracts the bootstrap file from a compiled version of SYSTEM.TPU.

What use is it?

If you have SYSTEM.TPS in the current directory, you can compile a new SYSTEM unit and change the run-time library. Why bother? Perhaps you don't need any of the standard library; if you're writing a tiny utility that doesn't use any of its services, there's no point linking in several K of it that won't be used. The included SYSTEM.PAS is an absolutely minimal replacement; using it, you can shrink the sample TEST.PAS from an .EXE size of 1400 bytes down to 128 bytes. Everyone will think you wrote it in assembler.

How do I use it?

First, get a copy of SYSTEM.TPU from TP 6.0 or TPW 1.0 (or compatible later versions) in the current directory. You may have to use TPUMOVER to get it out of TURBO.TPL or TPW.TPL; the syntax to use is


Then, run TPU2TPS. It'll create SYSTEM.TPS (or tell you that something has gone wrong).

Next, get rid of the original SYSTEM.TPU (keeping a copy of course!), and compile SYSTEM.PAS. (You may want to make some changes to it first.) This should give you a new version of SYSTEM.TPU. Don't put it into *.TPL unless you're very sure of yourself; it is almost certainly not the one you want to use as a default.

Finally, hide the old SYSTEM.TPU and *.TPL; be sure they aren't on the path, in the .TPU directory, or in the same directory as your compiler. Make sure that the new SYSTEM.TPU is available in one of those places, and compile TEST.PAS or another program of your choice. Don't use any system procedures or functions; don't use strings, sets, longints, floating point, or files; don't use dynamic memory or overlays; disable stack and range checking, IEEE reals, and floating point emulation. All of those need a real SYSTEM.TPU.

If you use one of those by mistake, you'll be in real trouble: the compiler doesn't expect you to fool around with SYSTEM.TPU this way, and it can get very, very confused if it goes looking for services that aren't there. A more robust SYSTEM replacement would halt with an error if you tried any of those things, but the included one won't. (There are over 130 functions/procedures in the real thing; I was too lazy to code that many stubs!)

What does it cost?

Absolutely nothing! Play around with it. Buy the real run-time library if you want something a little less minimalist. If you really like it, and want to send money somewhere, send it to a local charity.

Where do I complain if it doesn't work?

You expect support for freebies? Give me a break. TPU2TPS comes with no warranties of any kind; I haven't tested it very well; if you like playing with things like this, you'd better be prepared to reboot frequently.