Скачать MKAVT 1.0 - MK Avatar/Ansi Interpreter

Mark May
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-----------------------------[  USAGE  ]------------------------------

MKAvatar is a set of routines to allow you to easily implement ansi
and avatar graphics in your Pascal programs.  Usage is quite simple,
just include a:

  Uses MKAvatar;

in your program.  MKAvatar will automatically initialize itself.  To
interpret ansi and/or avatar characters just send the character to the
AvatarChar procedure.  Example:

  i: Word;
  Tst: String;

  For i := 1 to Length(Tst) Do

Both ansi and avatar are supported at the same time, so feel free to
mix both types of codes if you want.

I have included a small demo program (MKDemo) to give you a fuller
example of how MKAvatar works (shows how MKAvatar can be used to allow
you to include an ansi screen as an intro screen to your program).

------------------------[  PRODUCT SUPPORT  ]-------------------------

Help or suggestions can be submitted in a variety of ways.

*  Through the FidoNet EchoMail MK Conference (AreaTag MK).
    -   This is a product support area for all Mythical Kingdom
    -   Software.

*  If the MK Echo is not available in your area, it is available from
   the following addresses:

   1:110/290       1:3625/457       1:151/1000       1:151/1003

*  Through RIME (RelayNet) at address ->MYTHKING.

*  Via NetMail to Mark May (Author) at address 1:110/290.
   -   You will have to poll for your reply after two days due to the
   -   product being free.  An answer should be waiting for you by
   -   then.  If you do not receive a reply within 5 days, please
   -   re-send your message.  If you don't pick up your reply, it will
   -   be deleted in a week or two.

*  Call the Mythical Kingdom Tech BBS directly:
   -   DataLine : 513-237-7737 (9600 Baud v32)

*  Or, mail your questions/suggestions to:

       Mark May
       Mythical Kingdom Software
       P.O. Box 24808
       Huber Heights, OH  45424