Скачать YahWho - a Computerized Version of Yahtzee

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Please distribute - this is a FREEWARE package. No charge, but
contributions humbly accepted. Send to author at address below.

Files included in the YahWho! package are:

contents doc  - This file!
revision doc -  Revision history.
makehelp bat  - Used with TVHC.EXE to remake YAHWHO.HLP from YAHHELP.TXT
yahhelp  pas  - Created by TVHC.EXE from YAHHELP.TXT
yahhelp  txt  - Help source file
yahwho   exe  - YAHWHO itself
yahwho   hlp  - Online help file used by YAHWHO.EXE
yahwho   pas  - Main Borland Pascal 7.0 source code
yahwho1  pas  - Global declarations unit used in YAHWHO.PAS
gpframe  pas  - Group frame unit

Make sure these files are kept together.

All you need to run YahWho is YAHWHO.EXE. It's nice to have YAHWHO.HLP
around in the same place as YAHWHO.EXE in case you need online help,
but it's not required. All the other files are not needed for running.

Borland (or Turbo) Pascal 7.0 with Turbo Vision REQUIRED to recompile
the source.

A note from the author:

I wrote YahWho as an exercise in sharpening my Turbo Vision skills. I
didn't really need another Yahtzee game, but I had the source to an old
one and I wanted to see exactly what was involved in converting an old
program to a Turbo Vision environment. I am making you the beneficiary
of my efforts by providing the complete source code, in the hope that
you may do the same for me someday. I might learn something from you!

If you hack this code and redistribute it, at least do me the favor of
giving me credit for the original code; place that credit at the front
end of the source.