Скачать Aircraft Flight Simulator v.4.26 (640x400x16)

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      (************************  BEGIN  **************************
      **                                                        **
      **                                                        **
      **                    Flight  Simulator                   **
      **                  Subsonic Jet Aircraft                 **
      **                      Version  4.26                     **
      **                                                        **
      **                                                        **

      *                                                          *
      *                                                          *
      *            Captain Larry Thomas Brewster, Ph.D.          *
      *                                                          *
      *                University of Missouri-Rolla              *
      *                Computer Science Department               *
      *                       Feb 26, 1990                       *
      *                                                          *
      *                                                          *

      This software is made available only to individuals and only
      for educational purposes. Any and all commercial use is
      stricly prohibited.

      This program is designed to run on a Toshiba T3100 portable
      computer using Borlands Pascal Version 4.0 or later compiler.
      Changes in the graphics routines may be necessary
      for any other computer.

      (********              KNOWN BUGS

      program causes math coprocessor stack overflows on an IBM XT

      bank angles of exactly zero, ninety, one-eighty, etc. cause the
      horizon bar to have a length of zero.

      angle of attack (alpha) is positive in inverted flight

      graphics routines are crude - may require modification if
      not 640 X 400

      this program is not a polished end product and as such no
      guarantees as to performance or accuracy is implied
      it is intended as an educational tool for experimentation