Звуки и Музыка

AmoebaSoft MOD Player v0.90 for Gravis UltraSound

Проигрыватель MOD файлов "АмёбаСофт" для GUS. Исходники самого проигрывателя не приведены, но зато есть все остальные необходимые исходники.
The AmoebaSoft MOD Player for the Gravis UltraSound plays 4, 6 and 8 channel MOD files on computers equiped with a Gravis UltraSound or UltraSound MAX. Obviously, there are already a LOT of MOD players around that support the UltraSound, and though this MOD player may have a few unique features, it is intended mainly as a demonstration of AmoebaSoft's UltraSound Interface for Borland Pascal.

BatSound - PC Speaker Sounds for BAT Files

4 программы, издающие различные звуки на для спикера: бип, сирена, падающая бомба...

SB16 Volume Control

Простая программа, работающая в текстовом режиме, позволяет регулировать уровень громкости для саундбластера: общий уровень, и отдельно для каждого канала - WAV, MIDI и CD Audio.
This small text mode program allow to control General sound volume and separately for Wave, MIDI and CD Audio channels. Released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.

STM Player

Проигрыватель .STM файлов для Speaker, Covox & Sound Blaster

TALK - Program Speacher for PC Speaker

Программа для воспроизведения человеческой речи через спикер c использованием фонем английского языка.
TALK is a speech program which uses phonemes to speak numbers through the PC's speaker port. This program was derived from a program found in the IBMPRO forum library of Compuserve called TPSPCH.ARC. Authors: David Neal Dubois, Michael Day.

5-Voice Musical Editor and Player

5-голосный Музыкальный Редактор from Dialog. Позволяет записывать партитуру отдельно для каждого голоса и выводить результат на диск в виде исходника на Паскале.

8 Bit Sound Blaster Support Unit

Проигрывание и запись цифрового звука через Sound Blaster. Проигрывание многоканального звука. Проигрывание/запись WAV-файлов. Модули + примеры.

ABO_WAV - Simple WAV Player for SoundBlaster

Проигрыватель WAV файлов для 16-бит саундбластера.
A good wav player (sb).

Adrenalin Module Player v0.2 for GUS

"Адреналин 0.2" - Проигрыватель MOD файлов для Gravis Ultra Sound.
Adrenalin Module Player v 0.2 by Beta / Adrenalin

  • GUS only
  • FULL sources included (TP)
  • Super shell!!!
  • VERY easy to use

Basic CD-ROM Commands From Prompt

Программа для выполнения основных команд CD-ROM из командной строки. Компилируется в real mode под BP7.
CD-ROM Commands Version 1.1. With this program you can give the basic commands to your CD-ROM player. I found a lot of programs on the net containing vga-jukeboxes for playing and other that were memory resident but I just wanted to type 'play' for playing and open, close and stop. The program was written in BP 7.0 (now TP/BP 6.0+) and compiled in the real mode. There is no error handling. If you don't hear anything, check that you have inserted an audio CD and not a CD-ROM. I have included some batch files for easy use. The original unit was taken from comp.lang.pascal and posted by Todd Lang u (lang1250@mach1.wlu.ca) and written by Greg Estabrooks (no known email address) so give them some credit. :)