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{-------------------- Demo for PickFile.pas --------------------}
{           For a better description peruse pickfile.pas        }
{ PickFile.tpu - Turbo unit for selecting a file from the       }
{                directory                                      }
{ PFdemo.pas   - This pas file to demonstarate PickFile         }
{ PickFile.Pas - A unit that returns a filename selected by the }
{                user using the point and shoot method.         }
{                You are free to modify and freely distribute   }
{                the following source code in any way you feel  }
{                neccessary. I plan on using it in some of my   }
{                database programs in order for the user to     }
{                select a databases for Him/Her to use.         }
{ Author : Jim Luckas (76630,370)                               }
{                                                               }
{ All yours to use as you wish.                                 }
{                                                               }
{ Function Select_File( Path        : S_type;                   }
{                       BorderColor,WindowColor,                }
{                       TopX,TopY,BotY,Shadow : Byte ) : S_type;}
{ Shadow  1=yes 0=no                                            }