Скачать HugeMem 0.1 - Huge Global Memory Blocks for Windows

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Unit HugeMem;

{ HugeMem - manage huge global memory blocks written by Peter Sawatzki (c) 1-May-1991 ver.0.1

  This unit uses two undocumented windows 'functions':
  both are used by Microsoft C and Borland C to handle the HUGE
  memory model, so i think it's ok to use it


  Procedure hRead (Var aFile: File; aHandle: THandle; Size: LongInt);
  Procedure hWrite (Var aFile: File; aHandle: THandle; Size: LongInt);
  Procedure hMove (srcHandle, dstHandle: THandle; Size: LongInt);
  Procedure hFillChar (aHandle: THandle;  Size: LongInt; aByte: Byte);
  Procedure hPutByte (aHandle: THandle; aByte: Byte; aLoc: LongInt);
  Function hByteAt (aHandle: THandle; aLoc: LongInt): Byte;
  Procedure pMove (srcPtr, dstPtr: Pointer; Size: LongInt);
  Function IncPtr (aPtr: Pointer; anOffset: Word): Pointer;
  Procedure AHIncr;
  Procedure AHShift;
{NOTE: all procedures operate on unlocked memory blocks. Easily one can
 add procedures to operate on locked memory blocks e.g. on Pointers, but
 one must be careful not to cross segment boundaries. For example a
 Move (x^,y^,$8000) will fail, if Word(x)>=$8001 !!!!!